Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day one

So it's 8:44pm of day one.
My hair feels like a straw mat. I can't get my fingers through my hair and it feels dusty almost. I'm afraid if I were to bend it that it would snap and break.

Now let me tell you how my hair felt from start to now.
I got my cerial bowl of baking soda an got in the shower. I got my hair wet and it felt like it usually does. A greasy mess. So I mix in some water and make a thick soup and dump Hal on the top of my head and I start workin it in and usin my nails to scrub. Then I flip my hair over and use the other half on the underside of my hair and start scrubbing. At this point I tasted salt so I figured it was time to rinse. I rinsed and my hair felt greasy still! I reached for the bottle of clarifying shampoo. It took a lot to reach away. But I did not use it. I went on with my normal routine and as I'm standing there enjoying the hot water I start thinking. I want to go natural on everything. Why just keep it at my hair. Why not better my whole body? I have already made my own lotion and lip balm. What's stopping me from making my own soaps? As I'm slathering on my deodorant I start to think. "hey this stuff has been known to cause breast cancer!" so I got to googling homemade deodorant and by George I found one! So thus begins a more holistic me. I am also going to nix my favorite face wash and look for a homemade version.

So now I'm out of the shower and ready to go about my normal hair routine and I usually use a cocktail of things. I use a professional hair repair thing. Along with a professional cream called anti snap. Well I decided to nix these and just start brushing. Well let's just say i made my eyes water my hair was so hard to brush out. Now I'm pretty sure this is because I did not use the apple cider vinegar. I'm going to go buy some because this time I did not have any on hand. So after I finally got through this mess of hair and styles it like I usually do I take off to go to my boyfriends house. By the time ingot there my hair was almost dry and this was a 15 minute drive and I did have the windows down. It's warming up here in Michigan! Anyway I kept touching my hair and sniffing it. Boy does it feel stif and straw like I thought. No smell so I figured maybe things will turn around when I use my Argan Moroccan oil infused flat iron. Well that will come tomorrow. But throughout the day my hair has not frizzed like it usually does it has just stayed flat an tame like I usually want it to do. Now my hair use to be pipe curly white girl Jew fro curly. Then while in beauty school I did so much damage to it my curls turned into soft waves. Eh I like how my hair looks tho. It does not look dry or damaged it looks healthy and shiny. I'm quite pleased and I hope apple cider vinegar will help with this dry strawness feeling.

Well that's really all I have to say. I will check back in tomorrow when I've flat ironed my hair and styled it.
<3 live on. Live au naturall

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