Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My intro, my story

Hello! My name is Michelle.
I am on the path to a new lifestyle.

This is the first time I ever have blogged. so I'm sorry if this is very lack luster.

A few weeks ago is when this tiny yet unfimillar idea got planted in my brain. I was browsing around on pintrest in my faveorite diy/craft section. I usually just flick through photos until something catches my eye and i click on it. Well i happen to see a squease bottle amd a squirt bottle and i think "ooh another home made product i can make." Well weeks before hand I made my own lip balm and weeks after that I made my own hand and body lotion. Well anyway I click on this picture and to my suprise it says "no poo" I'm thinking "no poo? Is this about not pooping?" So i clickced on the picture and to my suprise it was about not shampooing your hair, and the dammageing affects that shampoo does to your hair and the harmfull stuff in it as well.
Well needless to say a tiny spark went off in my head. I began to think of all my beautyschool and real world knowledge of hair and the shampoos and conditoners. Basically heres the breakdown, shampoo strips your natural oils and then you go slathering on conditoner to help replace those oils. vicious cycle eh? So by "shampooing" and "conditioning" once a week or less you can help repair the dammage done. Now when I say shampoo i meen BAKING SODA yeah u herd me, and by conditoner I'm talkin about APPLE CIDER VINEGAR yep yep. So all u gotta do is get yourself a cup of baking soda and take it in the shower with ya, you add warm water and then dump it on your head. Masage around and rinse. Then you get your apple cidar vinegar and spritz it in your hair and masage around then rinse with cool water. Your hair will go through a freak out period where it gets oily, its trying to figure out whats goin on. dont fret it will not last long. Try baby powder spairingly in your hair to get rid of the oilyness.

Now here is where I come in. Today is Tuesday March 13th. I have not washed my hair in a week. I am going to shower as soon as I'm done posting this. This shower will be the first shower I try this no poo ordeal. That is why I have created this blog. So my friends, family and whoever else can see what, why amd how I'm doing this.

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